Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sins of Omission

The Call's post-announcement coverage of the gambling license story has been surprisingly spotty and otherwise breathless. I keep scanning the headlines, looking for analysis of reactions, regional impact, and, in particular, the implications for Allentown. The Allentown angle is especially important, as Ed Rendell's announcement-eve $18 million gift to Bethlehem seemed timed to influence the board and--taken together with the Bethlehem nod--a sucker punch aimed at the state's third-largest city. On this point LVCurmudgeon's post is a must-read.


Anonymous said...

Shall we go in?

Jeff Pooley said...

True enough...

RadCenter said...

The casino and its satellite businesses will no doubt be the Call's largest advertisers; hence the paper's fawning attitude.

It's tragic how far this paper has fallen. When it was an independent paper, it occasionally did offer Pulitzer material.